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October 01, 2006


Anna Haynes

thank you for not remaining silent, Doug.

> "newspapers and journalism of many forms has long used gossipy items that become "water cooler" talk, social currency. But it's worth asking, what kind of a community is formed, when it's formed on the basis of malicious gossip or related forms of talk? "

"Police Blotter" features can easily turn into this.

a friend's observation- "gossip is like fish food - superficially it's brightly colored and attractive, but when you get up close it really doesn't smell very good"

> ""their talk is so nonstop, bitter, and toxic. I just want to scream."

Tragedy of the Commons - feels so good to unburden yourself, that you forget to consider the effect on those on the receiving end. And it _is_ unconscious.

One suggestion, that might help in a group of consenting individuals - clicker training.
(in fact I think I'll try the experiment, and report back...)

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